Ashton Jay's Commission Info

Commissions Open


-> Please be polite, try to provide a clear description of your wishes and requests.-> I have the right to refuse any commission for personal reasons. This can happen either during the discussion of details or after the payment is completed. In that case you will get the money back.-> No commercial use.-> No NFT, NO use for AI whatsoever.-> Every additional character is 40% of the OG price. [ e.g. $40 (full body, full color) +40% (extra character)= $16 (added price to total, which would amount to $56)-> If you choose to cancel your order, I will issue a refund. The final amount of the refund depends on the stage of completion of the commission. [e.g. $40 (full body, full color) - $25 (sketch)= $15 (final sum of refund) ]-> Anything you want to change, must be added during the sketching process. I will not go back and rework a sketch after I have started lineart and rendering.-> Refunds are not given for completed works.-> I retain ownership of all images created by me and will use them at my own discretion. The end result will be published on my social media handles and could be used as an example in my price list.-> When placing an order, please, make sure you're ready to wait an estimated time of 2 to 3 weeks. I always try to work as quickly as I’m able to, but things do happen. If something should come up or happen that would hinder my work on commissions, I will let clients know. Therefore, please be patient and understanding.


-> I require at least 50% of your total paid upfront.-> 5% is added to every total, to cover fees.-> Payment through invoice, PayPal only. USD only.-> Payment is required 3 days after the invoice is sent. Failure to pay within those three days, will result in cancellation of the commission.

What I need From You

-> Please provide me with everything you deem necessary. You can send references, pictures, collages, etc. Don't forget to state important features of the character and details, such as personalities, body type, height, anything that I would need to keep in mind.-> If requesting an OC, please provide a picture of the OC, if available.
Also let me know what extra details you would like: pose, emotions, all your ideas and wishes.
-> ATTENTION! When sending references of what you would like, please do not send me artwork from other artists. If you are wanting a character from an anime, or manga, and you send a specific panel from the official manga, that is fine. The same goes for screenshots from an anime, or official artwork of the show.-> When sending your references, character details, etc, please send them via email. PLEASE title your document with your username and commission type, to ensure that your email does not get lost.-> Please also provide me with an email to send the invoice to (if different from the email that is used to provide details), as well as your PayPal handle.-> Send your commission form/details to [email protected]

What I will do

-SFW/NSFW-light gore/violence-BL/GL/Trans/Cis-OCs-OC x OC, Canon Character, Canon x OC-Humans, Slight Furry (ears and tail, or other light furry characteristics)-Light Fetish-Incest, non-con, dub-con-Age gap-Dilfs/Milfs

What I won't do

-Full Furry-Shota/Loli-Beastiality-Real people in NSFW scenarios (such as celebrities)-Robots/Mecha-Detailed backgrounds-Elderly (i’m just not good at it..)-Anything I find uncomfortable-Overly complicated scenes


-> $15 Bust-> $20 Half Body (waist up)-> $25 Full Body–> +$5 for flat color

Full Color

(With simple background and rendering/shading)

-> $30 Bust-> $35 Half Body-> $40 Full Body

If you would like to support me, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi. I will also provide my PayPal below.(During payment, please do not specify if it's an NSFW commission as it will result in the banning of both our PayPal accounts.)